Drivers and data for Atheros AR8152 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller (NDIS 6.20) (PCI VEN_1969&DEV_2062), as made by Atheros.
Are you looking Atheros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller driver? This page shows a list of all found drivers for the Atheros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller. All Atheros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller drivers are sorted by date and version. The Atheros AR8152/8158 PCI-E Fast Ethernet Controller device has one or more Hardware IDs, and the list is listed below. can always find a driver for your computer's device. To find the necessary driver you can use site search.
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I would request you to install Qualcomm Atheros AR8152 Ethernet Controller driver in compatibility mode and then check if it helps.
1.Right click on the setup file of the driver and select Properties.
2.Select Compatibility Tab.
3.Place a check mark next to Run this program in Compatibility mode and select the operating system accordingly from the drop down list.
4.Click OK and run the setup.
Hope this information is helpful. Please do let us know if you need further assistance, we’ll be glad to assist you.
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- Is the computer connected to Domain/server network?
- Are you referring to internet speed?
You're probably getting this connectionspeed from the icon at your task tray, correct? That's the maximum speed of your interface, which is 100MB/s, but that's not your actual internetspeed.
To check your internetspeed, Go online and search for internet speed test you will find few websites which will check your internet speed and provide the accurate results.
John RubdyForum Moderator | Microsoft Community
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I went looking for the 'setup file' for the driver and all I was able to locate was the driver itself which is in 'C:WindowsSystem32drivers'. Of course there is no compatibility setting there to change.
Could you suggest where one might find this setup file? or areas to look? In my case the driver file is called L1C63x64.sys so I would image the setup file would have a similar nomenclature.
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Atheros Ar8152 Pci-e Fast Ethernet Controller Driver Download Xp 64
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Atheros Ar8152 Pci-e Fast Ethernet Controller Driver Download Xp Windows 7
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- What action/s are you trying to perform on your PC?
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Qualcomm Atheros Ar8152 Pci E
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Atheros Pcie Ethernet Controller Driver
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Atheros Ar8151 Pci E Driver
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