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This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

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Mod nameNotes
Cinematic Vibrancy ENB
ClearWater for ENB and RWT
Nassadross ENB
Paradise Water
Patch for Skylight ENB's Weather Patch and Extended Patches' Water PatchOptional. Install to match expected water color.
Perfect Water
Realistic Colors ENB
Realistic Water Two ITA
Watercolor for ENB and Realistic Water Two
Xray's ENB
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Translations available on the Nexus

Steam Splash

RussianRealistic Water Two - Russian
ItalianRealistic Water Two ITA
GermanRealistic Water Two - German Translation
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  • Version 1.101

  • Version 1.11

    • Water surface normals for ENB's water parallax and displacement features are now available for all resolution sizes. They have been further adjusted from 0.2.
      Sped up ripple movement of lake, ocean and hot spring water.
      Balanced ice crack and creek sound effects courtesy of LoRd KoRn.
      Carried over region data I had missed from Dawnguard to Dawnguard dependent plugins.
      Animated a rowboat placed near some ice floes.
      Removed unmodified Skyrim Particle Patch meshes from the archive.
  • Version 1.10

    • New feature, bobbing ice: I used cell edits to replace specific references of floating icebergs and ice chunks in deeper water with versions that bob in the water. Bobbing icebergs will occasionally emit a cracking sound effect. Bobbing ice chunks will gurgle (uses the lake sound effect).
      Added sound effect sliders to the default game menu (Settings>Audio). You can now adjust the volume for any of the new sound effects from this mod.
      Carried forward cell edits from the USKP 2.0.0.
      Improved lake water ripple movement.
      Rowboats on gentle water (pond/marsh) will no longer bob. Reverted one animated rowboat at the Windhelm docks back to a static rowboat due to clipping.
      Added worldspace edit to RealisticWaterTwo - Waves - Wyrmstooth.esp to prevent RealisticWaterTwo - Wyrmstooth.esp from overwriting data from Dragonborn.
      Reduced Dragonborn wave volume, reduced normal map depth to appear a bit smoother, removed the buggy flickering foam texture, made bluer and lighter to better blend with my ocean water.
      Wet rocks now use a cubemap made by SparrowPrince with a slightly bluer sheen to better reflect the color of the sky.
      Fixed a water seam at the Solitude harbor/marsh transition location, at the Ivarstead river and at the Wyrmstooth river.
      Converted sound files from 44 khz to 22 khz to reduce memory use. There is little to no noticeable loss in quality.
      Removed unused texture ( in the water folder) from archive reducing file size.
      Legendary addon is now available on Steam.
  • Version 1.04

    • New gentler sound effect for lakes. Oceans still have the same sound effect as 1.03. Slightly reduced river sound effect volume.
      Improved quality of the Dragonborn waves sound effect.
      Slightly increased wave size of lakes.
      Increased visibility of the character splash effects.
      Dragonsreach water is now slightly choppier and faster.
      Fixed an issue with the NMM installer and the Wyrmstooth plugin and carried forward a missing cell edit.
      The base mod is now available on Steam. Legendary edition to come later.
  • Version 1.03

    • Realistic Needs and Diseases compatibility has been split off into separate plugins due to the missing character splash issue. Those who are NOT using the RND compatible plugins will now have splashes enabled again.
      Ocean water now shares the same sound effect as lake water. It appears the game engine has trouble managing multiple ambient sound effects for the water types, which resulted in the ocean sound effect playing in inappropriate locations. Since lake water is quieter this will mask the issue.
      Slightly reduced the volume of the Dragonborn waves.
      Incorporated WATER's improved character splash effects.
  • Version 1.021

    • Fixed some missing edits from the legendary plugin.
  • Version 1.02

    • RealisticWaterTwo - Legendary.esp is now available. This addon is a merged file of the individual 'Dawnguard', 'Dragonborn', 'Waves' and 'Waves - Dawnguard' files.
      Extended Ambiance is now available. The lake and ocean ambient, looping sound effects are around 30 seconds long. If you find that they are repetitive, install these optionals, which are both 51 seconds long.
      Removed the river sound effect from the Riften interior water.
      Decreased the volume of lake and ocean sound effects.
      Desaturated and darkened lake, river, pond and ocean water a bit.
      Flowing creek water is now a bit louder, choppier and slower.
      Dragonsreach water is now a bit choppier and slower.
  • Version 1.01

    • Reduced noisy reflections in rivers.
      Lakes are now a bit livelier.
      Interior Riften water now better matches the exterior water colorwise.
      Water sound effects in Whiterun are now quieter.

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