Linux Tools For Windows Command Line

Introduction to Linux command line downloading tools

To make the Windows console handle text formatting well for command line tools like Vim, Emacs and tmux, Creators Update has better support for the ANSI codes and VT Sequences that UNIX and Linux.

When we think about Linux, definitely a back and white terminal will come in the mind, a true Linux user always prefer to work from terminal even for downloading, a command line downloading tool can help user to download anything from internet more quickly, in comparison to some GUI tool. There are lots of downloading tools for general purpose and even for torrents also but only few tools like curl or wget are more popular in comparison to other tools. In this tutorial we will discuss top 10 command line tools for downloading in Linux. Let us discuss these cli tools one by one.

  1. Wget

This is the most famous tool which is used for downloading via cli. It is very rich tool which can acts like some full fledged GUI download manager, it has all of the features required for some ideal download manager like it can resume download, it can download multiple files, it can retry downloading if some connectivity problem is there, you can even manage maximum download bandwidth.


Download some sample file form internet

Sample output

Windows 10 Command Line Tools

Download file in background

Linux Command Line Tools For Windows

Resume download if internet connection got interrupted

Download file from some password protected ftp repo


2. Curl

Curl is another effective download tool, it can be use to upload or download file with giving a simple command, it supports pause or resume of downloaded package and supports maximum of web protocols, it can predict time left in download to be complete, progress is visible via progress bar. It comes as built in tools for all of the Linux distributions. A quick and effective tool, let us have a look


with -o option provide a name, download file will be saved with that name, with -O (capital O) option, file will be saved by its original name.

Download multiple files with single curl command

3. Axal

A good alternative to wget, it is a lightweight download utility, it is actually a accelerator as it open multiple http connections which download separate file fragment and as a result the file get downloaded more quickly.



4. Youtube-dl

A dedicated tool to download videos from YouTube via command line, a quick to install package, which can be used to download even a bulk list of files.


Change file permission


Download some video, by adding video url with the command.

To download a video list, copy all of the url in a text file and run following command


5. Aria2

An open source command line download accelerator, support multiple ports, you can download files with maximum bandwidth, easy to install and easy to use tool.


For centOS


# aria2c


6. Movgrab

The another effective tool for video downloading, advantage of using movgrab it that it can download videos not only from YouTube but also from almost all of the famous websites like metacafe, dailiymotion, ehow, vobx etc. Very quick tool, movie format can be defined, you can resume download.


Download package from this link

Extract package

Use command to download package

Download a file with specific name

Define file format

Use maovgrab -h for more details

7. rtorrent

The famous command line torrent client, it comes with all Linux distributions, it require screen utility to work.


Install screen

Install rtorrent


8. ctorrent

C-torrent is a simplest commnd line torrent downloading tool, can be installed quickly, it is a good alternative of micro-torrent or utorrent.


Let us download a copy of latest Ubuntu server 16.04

User ctorrent -h for more options.

9. Transmission-cli

The command line version of version of transmission, a very strong tool for torrenting. Easy to install, it require ‘screen’ as dependency.


Install screen


10. vuze

A complete torrenting solution with minimum footprint, it is one of the most powerful torrent application, it require java to run on console, so make sure you have installed jre of open jdk on your system, it will also require ‘screen’ package.


It can be downloaded directly from this link , download and extract package

There are some dependencies which must be downloaded, grab required plugins from this link

Copy these .jar plugins to vuze directory

Run following command

After the above command is successful, run below command to launch

Use help command, add use add command along with path of .torrent file to start download.


Command line tools are more effective and fast in comparison of GUI based torrent or download managers, these tools can play a important role in head less servers and can control bandwidth consumption in slow internet connections. Have fun!!