Supreme Commander No Cd Patch

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance CD KEY WORKING / Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance 100% Radi.

Hi guys,

I am trying to update my new copy of Supreme Commander (the original one) which I purchased just the other day, with the patches available online at No matter whether I use the all in one patch or try all the induvidual patches, the same error comes up stating:

MissingMethodException Method no found: 'System.text.RegularExpression...

An Error has occured, the file

'supcom_patch_1.03189_to_1.1.3280.12.35.29.log' has been generated.

I have copied and pasted the contents of the log file here:

MissingMethodException Method not found: 'System.Text.RegularExpressions.CaptureCollection System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group.get_Captures()'.
at GPG.Globalization.LocalizeString.SetLoc(ResourceManager resourceMan, String language)
at GPG.Globalization.LocalizeString.SetLoc(ResourceManager resourceMan)
at GPG.Patch.Test.PatchForm..ctor(Boolean autoStart, Boolean autoClose)
at GPG.Patch.Test.Program.Main(String[] args)

I haven't had a problem installing or running the game itself, but would love to get the patches so its fully up to date. I installed it on a friend's machine that runs Windows XP and all those patches installed fine, so I am guessing its a Windows 7 specific problem.

Thanks in advance

Patch 1.0.3189 1.1.3280

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 11 years ago

This patch adds compatibility for amBX support only.

Patch 1.1.3269 1.1.3280

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 11 years ago

This patch adds compatibility for amBX support only.

Pach 3260 to 3269

  • [Patch]
  • Posted almost 12 years ago

This v3269 patch rebalances the infamous Mercy unit and adds three new units as well: the Mongoose, a Tier 2 UEF Assault Bot, the Hoplite, a Tier 2 Cybran Assault Bot and the Absolver, a Tier 3 Aeon Shield Disruptor Tank.

Patch 3255 to 3260

  • [Patch]
  • Posted about 12 years ago

This patch add 3 new units to the game as well as some balance tweaks. The new units are: Tech 2 bombers for the UEF and Cybran and a cool kamikaze bomber for the Aeon.

Pach 3254

Supreme commander patch
  • [Patch]
  • Posted about 12 years ago

This hotfix patches some exploits, and fixes a few minor bugs from the recent balance patch including the stuck 5 second eject screen.

Patch 3251

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 12 years ago

The long-awaited SupCom patch that fixes the Aeon imbalances as well as adding many new features and improvements as well as performance gain.

Patch 3223

Supreme Commander Forged Alliance Patch

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 12 years ago

THQ has released a new patch for Supreme Commander that updates the game to version 3223.

GPGNet World Map Patch

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 12 years ago

A patch for GPG's 3D RTS, adding the new GPGnet World Map.

Patch 3220

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 12 years ago

Supreme Commander 3 News

THQ has released a new patch for Supreme Commander which brings the game to version 3220.

Patch 3217

  • [Patch]
  • Posted over 12 years ago

The post-release patch for Supreme Commander is out, with many new last minute fixes and changes to the game.

Supreme CommanderEssentials

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