Seminar On Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars In Oncology

Big List of Latest 2013 - 2014 Seminar Topics and Presentation for Computer Science (CSE), Information Technology (I.T), MCA, MSc, MS, Electronics and Communication (EC), Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics (EEE), Instrumentation (IC) and Civil Engineering students with PPT and Abstract based on technical IEEE articles and journals. This collection of interesting and informative seminar topics will help you to give out a life changing presentation. All downloads are free.

Tips to choose winning topics and enhance presentation skills

While selecting topics, first thing that comes to the mind of the presenters is 'How to give an effective paper presentation ?'. At a granular level, answer to these questions depends on multiple parameter's. Success of seminar depends right from choosing the best topics, finding right materials to make a PPT, speaking on interesting and engaging aspects of the subject to better audience engagement. Based on your audience profile, a seminar can be based on a thesis, motivational subjects or on advanced technical topics based on IEEE Papers. Now let us have a look at the important aspects that can help you in giving effective seminar.

Reference Materials and Case Studies

Ethical Hacking PPT PDF Paper Presentation & Seminar Report Ethical Hacking Paper Presentation & Seminar Ethical hacking -also known as penetration testing or intrusion testing or red teaming has become a major concern for businesses and governments.

It's a common practice that your Professor or Guide ask you to choose a topic that is trending and unique. This make it hard for you and ends up selecting subjects that have less materials available in public. In order to avoid this scenario, choose topics which are unique, but for which materials are available. It will be good to have a look at IEEE Journals, because IEEE papers will be backed by good materials and case studies. During presentation, include case studies and explain the implementation and its use in real life applications. Also, try to analyze recent trends in various fields of engineering. To get hot topics, attend conferences and workshops, listen to technology news and read articles on future technology.

Choose Topics that excites you

Make sure that topic you select, interests and excites you. When you are passionate about a subject, you will go an extra yard to know more about it. Moreover, you will be able to speak fluently about the topic and helps you answer queries from attendees. If you are a fresher, you will be able to impress the interviewer with your knowledge about the topic during campus placement.

Pros and Cons of selecting a well known topic

During topic selection, you should check the reach of the topic. If the topic you choose is very well known, diverse areas of the same topic can be selected by multiple participants attending symposium or workshop. So do your research and check with you colleagues about the uniqueness of the topic. Also, check your college directory and make sure that the topic you select, was not taken in the past years. You can take the help of experts, to find unique content.

Choose Topics that are very focused

It's a common mistake that, presenter choose topics which have wide range of use. This will lead to vague presentation without having in-depth information about each content. When questions are asked on the subject, you will have a difficult time answering them. In order to avoid this scenario, choose topics that are very focused. You should select a particular area of the topic and explains it well. Make sure that your topic is not too technical. Audience tends to lose interest in the seminar, if you talk only about technical aspect of the subject.

Participation of Audience

For a presentation to be a success, you should have participation from audience. For that, topics you select should excite audience. They should feel that, attending this seminar will help them improve their knowledge about the topic. During seminar, use real life examples to back your idea. This will have a big impact on audience to understand the topics well. Also, you should modulate you voice, in order get attention from the audience. If you are monotonous, people will get a tendency to sleep. To engage audience, you can plan for an open discussion or Q&A session at the end of each sub topic.

Rehearse before actual Seminar

After selecting excellent and engaging seminar topic, presenter often mess up the during actual presentation. This often happens due to lack of rehearsal before the event. It will be ideal if you rehearse your lecture three to four times before the actual event. This will help you find and analyze the gaps. If you can record video or audio of your talk during rehearsal, you can playback and analyze the gaps. It will also help you choose appropriate words if you find some were inappropriate during playback of your presentation.

Make Short notes on each slide

You can't incorporate everything you are going to discuss in the slides. Only major points about the topic are written in the slide. So there is a greater chance that you miss the key details while presenting. In order to avoid this scenario, prepare a handwritten short note of the items you are going to discuss in each slide. Use the notes as a reference. Don't read out from the notes.

How to overcome fear during seminar

A presenter can mess up a seminar due to the fear of public speech. Most people experience fear during public speech. It's not easy to get rid of it. But your can overcome this by practicing following steps. To start with, talk to small audience. It can be your friends or colleagues. Be confident about your topic. Don't make eye contact with a single person for not more than three to five seconds. Often change your visual contact with audience.

Audience and Demographics

You should do research on type of audience you are expecting during conferences and workshops. If you are giving a lecture for Students, Teachers or Programmers, your talk should be more technical in nature. If you are addressing business people, seminar should be crisp and to the point. You should give an overall idea about the topics and concentrate more on the financial aspect of the product or business plan you choose for your idea. If you are interacting with audience who are not fluent in English, you should have more slides with graphics so that ideas are conveyed in a much better way. Also, you should talk slowly so that audience can pick it up. Use tools such as Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Apple keynote, Prezi or SlideRocket to make beautiful and graphics oriented presentations. If you are an open source person, go for tools like Prezi, Zoho Show, EWC Presenter etc.

Presentation Setup

You should reach location, 15 to 30 minutes in advance. You should use this time to boot up your laptop, check the connectivity with projector. Setting up projector usually takes time and you might need to do some research to adjust the resolution in projector. Audience will have wrong impression about you, if you are setting up the projector in front of them. Try to use a laser pointer to highlight key points in your slide. Plan your talk between 9AM and 12PM. According to studies, it is the best time to get maximum attention from attendees.

Outfit and Posture

You should wear formal outfit while giving presentation. Don't wear flashy dress or ornaments. You should maintain a confidant posture through out your presentation. Don't look down. Try to move around a bit rather than be a statue. If you got struck at some slide, try to move to the next slide. Don't think about the slide you missed, else you will lose confidence and entire session will be a flop. If you are not able to answer any questions from the audience, just convey that you will get back to them once you go through more documents on the topic. Get their email, so that you will look genuine.

Venue of Seminar

If the venue is not taken into account, you are in for few surprises. Presentation generally takes place in a conference hall, training center, auditorium or in a classroom. If you are going to give your lecturer in first three options, all the facilities required to conduct training will be available. If you are giving your presentation in a classroom, you should take into account the positioning of your projector, sound system and where you stand. Since classrooms are small compared to conference hall or training center, projector should be positioned in such a way that audience is able to see the slides from all the positions. Also, make sure that you don't stand in between your audience and display. Don't use mic if you are in a classroom.

Take Feedback from Audience

Many people think that their job is done once they give out their seminar. But without proper feedback, you can't access the impact of your talk. Conduct a round table discussion on the topic at the end of your presentation. It helps you understand your shortcomings, expectation of the audience and garner new ideas on the topic. Try to implement the positive suggestions in your next talk and device a strategy to improve audience engagement based on the feedback. Hand over a feedback form to your audience and ask for their valuable inputs.

Use Social Media for promotion

What if you had done your homework well and went into a conference room expecting a huge audience and it turns out that only few had turned up, you will get demoralized. There might be a variety of reasons for the low turnout. But if the low turnout is due to unawareness of the event, its clear case of communication failure. In this era of social media, reaching out to your audience and generate a hype around your talk is not a big job. If your talk is good, social media will help you get a positive feedback and enhance your reputation. Future presentations can be broadcast live to your followers via Google Hangout or Skype.

Topics based on IEEE papers

Every Year, IEEE publish lot of papers in the field of Science of Technology. You can subscribe for IEEE membership and get access to these papers. These papers are written by various scholars in the domain they work. Papers will be very descriptive and informative. Topics based on IEEE papers are very well respected around the world. Higher education students can make use of these IEEE papers.
To discuss latest topics in the field of Engineering, Science and Technology visit our discussion forum. Individual users can rate a Seminar. Highly rated topic will be listed at the start of the page. Rating can also act as a motivation and recognition for the person who had uploaded the paper.

Computer Hacking Ppt

We have topics in following categories
  • Hadoop, Mapreduce and Big Data Analytics
  • Mobile Application Development in Android and iOS
  • Neural Networks, Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Algorithm
  • Robotics, Automobile, Embedded Systems and Nanotechnology
  • Combustion Engine, Hybrid Fuel Cells and Hybrid Power Supply
  • Industrial Automation and Greenhouse Effect
  • Application Server Redundancy, Load Balancing, Load Sharing and Protocol Communications
  • VLSI (Very Large Scale integration)
  • VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language)
  • FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array)
  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Data Mining
  • Microcontrollers, Timers and oscillators
  • Mobile Networks, Wireless communication, Mobile Network Security and Smart Antenna
  • Voice Recognition and Digital Signal Processing
  • Photovoltaic Power Systems, Thermal and Hybrid Power Plant and Power Quality Analysis
  • Transformers, Energy Meters, Voltage Stability, Turbine and wind parks
  • Smart Grid, Power Systems, Synchronous and Induction Machines
  • Waste Water Treatment, Water Supply Systems
  • J2EE, .Net and PHP
  • Cloud computing
Electronics Engineering | Industrial Engineering | Electrical Engineering | Public Speaking

Latest seminar topics in instrumentation?

What is a seminar class?

what topic do I need for seminar as an event management

Topics for seminar on current politics in andrapradesh?

Sample script for emcee in a seminar?

The script for an emcee at a seminar depends specifically on what the topic of the seminar is. You will want to match the atmosphere of the seminar with the content of the script.

Seminar On Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars In Oncology Research

Can you give me seminar report on the topic diamond chip?

No, but you could do your research and complete a seminar on the subject.

Current seminar topic on medical microbiology?

What is AEIS?

aei's are applied electronics and instrumentation engineers these are related to instrumentation field. the main purpose is to in measurement and controlling

What is accuracy in measurement and instrumentation?

The degree to which the result of a measurement, calculation, or specification conforms to the correct value.

What is Virtual Instrumentation?

Virtual instrumentation refers to the process of using customizable software and modular measurement hardware to create user-defined measurement systems. Today virtual instrumentation solutions are used in a number of industries including automotive, oil and gas, and electronics.

What is latest seminar topic in computer science?

Is there a Seminar report on a smart quill?

The seminar report on a smart quill should contain all the information discussed on the smart quill. The organizers of the seminar are the people who set the topic to be discussed.

What are seminar topics in instrumentation and control engineering?

The Seminar topics in Instrumentation and Control Engineering could be many, since Instrumentation itself is a very vast field. Owing to this I tried to dialogue a little in here: 1) Transducers and Sensors. 2) Electronics measurements and Instrumentation. 3) Micro controllers and Microprocessors. 4) Signal and Sytems( Z, Nyquist t/f, Bode plots, Laplace t/f with/out Convolutions) 5) Control systems. 6) Process control and Actuators. 7) Bio Medical Instrumentation( EEG,EMG,ECG,MRI and X-ray)

How to choose a topic for giving seminar?

You can choose a topic by what you are an expert in and what you know. You can also tailor your talk to the group that you are speaking to.

Does night vision seminar topic belongs to computer science?

What is electronics and instrumentation engineering about?

electronics and instrumentation engineering it deal with measurement and control system with electronic base,it is all most same as ece

You are a BTech IT studentI need to take the seminar on digital scent technology pls send you a detailed report about this topic?

No am a BTech IT student i need to take the seminar on digital scent technology pls send you a detailed report about this topic?

Types of seminar? Types of Seminar Seminars are conducted in various stages. Based on the size and organizational aspects the seminars can be classified in to four types. viz. 1. Mini seminar 2. Major seminar 3. National seminar 4. International seminar Mini seminar: Its coverage and scope are small and simple. A small population is enough to hold this seminar. A discussion held over the topic taught or to be taught with the students is known as…

What is the main core subjects in instrumentation?

Transducer & Sensors Electronics & Measurement Microcontroller Embedded System Control System process control industrial instrumentation

Seminar On Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars In Oncology

Sample opening remarks for ECG seminar?

Opening remarks for any seminar can be something as simple as a quote from a famous person that relates to the topic being discussed.

Electronic Instrumentation for measurement and control analog computing and simulation?

Latest ieee standard seminar topics for computer science?

we are doing the project in ieee standard dotnet so we want the seminar topic in ieee standard only

Can you select a computer seminar topic for you?

There are many computer seminar topics. They are: Java Ring Java servlets Optical computer Zigbee Smart Quill Home networking

You want latest computer field topic for seminar where you can get it?

Seminar on ethical hacking ppt for seminars in oncology education

Ppt topic for English seminar?

A PowerPoint seminar in English can be given in any area of the English language, or on the merits, or subtleties of it. Some English seminar topic ideas include The Pragmatics of English, The Origins of the English Language, Writing a Graduate Entrance Essay, The Themes Running Through Shakespeare, and How the Industrial Revolution Changed American Writing.

What has the author Norman A Anderson written?

Norman A. Anderson has written: 'Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, Third Editon' 'Instrumentation for process measurement and control' -- subject(s): Instruments, Measuring instruments, Process control, Engineering instruments, Automatic control

Seminar topics related to MBA finance?

Ethical Hacking Ppt For Download

The effect of taxation in the economy is one of the seminar topic that is related to MBA finance. The other topics include how best to finance a business.

How do you present a neat seminar?

first write your topic on the board... its your breathing time... relax... start with an intro... explain your topic in a crisp and clear manner

What is latest seminar topic in library and information science?

RFID in Library Management

Details of smart note taker ppt of smart note taker as a seminar topic?

What is the role of instrumentation engineer in chemical industry?

instrumentation engineering means measurement of physical parameters like voltage ,current etc In chemical industry ,to measure the dos of the medicine...

Seminar topic for mechanical engineering?

water jet machining process check out

What is thermoelectric transducer?

thermistor is one of the example for thermoelectric transducer and we can say this is the worst topic of the instrumentation . its better to not study.............................................................................................................

Instrumentation amplifier is used for?

used for measurement and test equipment. its used where great accuracy and stability of circuit are required.

Ppt topics on seminar?

The topics can be anything from science and technology to history. You can choose a topic on health as well if it is a medical seminar you are talking about. Take a much brooded upon topic like hypertension. Or you can discuss about the conflicts going around the world. Technology offers great options for you. Take up a topic on robotic cars or bluetooth for e.g. There are a number of websites where you can…

How i can get BE Anna university trichy EEE 3rd semester model question paper with answer?

electronic devices and circuits measurement and instrumentation

Importance of seminars?

Seminar help us to prepare for a job. There will be a professional who will be the guest speaker that will share his/ her knowledge and ideas in the topic you want.

What has the author William Pieu Wong written?

William Pieu Wong has written: 'Instrumentation specific to the measurement of diffuse sky radiance'

How do you start a welcome speech for a seminar?

gud mrng.respected faculty and dear friends myself sandhya. im here to explain a topic on wireless communications

What has the author Francis Edward Doyle written?

Francis Edward Doyle has written: 'Instrumentation' -- subject(s): Liquid level indicators, Measurement, Pressure

Can you give me some seminar topic related to astrophysics?


1.Helium burning in stars. 2.Hydrogen burning in stars. 3.Big bang theory

Which are needed in fission reactor?

nuclear fuel coolant neutron moderator (if needed) control elements shielding measurement instrumentation emergency systems support structures

What is the difference between seminar and training?

Seminars involves more lecturing on a given topic; while trainings will also involve lecturing but can include an interactive component from attendees.

Sample of opening remarks for a seminar?

The opening remarks for a seminar should capture what that seminar is all about.

What is the principle on which LCR meter works?

It uses Impedance technique. Check Out some LCR meter data sheets such as Agilent user manual it has a break down on the measurement principles or search for books on instrumentation and measurement which explain the actual circuit diagram.

Seminar On Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars In Oncology Education

What is measured variable in instrumentation?

There are five variables in instrumentation. Flow, which is the flowing of fluids from one place to another. Pressure, which is the force exerted on an area. Level, the measurement between a minimum point and a maximum point. Temperature, the hotness or coldness of ?æa body. And Quality, which refers mostly to viscosity or conductivity.

Why young graduates choose for engineering as an educational fountain seminar topic?

Because any technical skill set is highly sought out for. It's a way of distinguishing from other applicants.

What is the difference between seminar and symposium?

seminar is a forum for a lecture or talk of an expert on a particular topic for an audience with an objective to educate them and remove their doubts if any. Symposium is a forum for discussions amongst experts of that subject in front of an audience with an objective to discuss/ understand points for/ against the motion, minimise ambiguity and concludes with recommendations.

Seminar On Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars In Oncology Nursing

What are the Importance of instrumentation in power plant?

Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars

in my own idea, the importance of instrumentation in system or process is play a very significant role. as based on the definition, it control the process variables in any production or manufacturing area. without instrumentation there will be no more machines, devices, and any electronics or mechanical machineries or any devices in this world that is relevant to measurement and control. importance of instrumentation is that it is the one who manipulated and manufactured…

Seminar On Ethical Hacking Ppt For Seminars In Oncology Nursing

Where is the seminar in fossil fighters?

Ethical Hacking Ppt

WHAT is the role of an instrumentation amplifier in strain gauge measurement system and WHY do we place the amplifier before the filter in the channel?

The instrumentation amplifier provides isolation, and gain to the output of the Wheatstone Bridge. It is placed before filtering because the low output of the gauges would suffer from induced noise in the filter circuit if left unamplified.